Empowering Communities, Ensuring access to clean water!

Access to Clean Water: A Fundamental Right for All

At BluPeak Credit Union, we believe that access to clean water is not just a global issue but also a pressing concern right here in the United States. While it’s easy to assume that access to clean water is a given in a developed country like ours, the reality is quite different. Millions of Americans face challenges in accessing safe and clean water for their daily needs, highlighting a critical issue that demands attention.

Empowering you to achieve peak financial wellness

Why BluPeak? Because we go above and beyond for our members. Inspiring courage for the journey. Inspiring the grit and optimism needed to transform what is, into what we want. At BluPeak, we’re looking out for you every step of the way.

Join the credit union movement!

Must meet membership and account criteria. Rate terms and conditions subject to change.

1. Additional fees may apply based on account usage. Refer to the Schedule of Fees and Charges for more information.

2. APY= Annual Percentage Yield as of 2/1/2025

Early withdrawal penalties apply for Term Certificates

3. A one-time withdrawal may be allowed up to the total balance and dividends earned, without penalty, beginning 7 days after the certificate has been opened or renewed. For any withdrawals within the first 7 days, and any withdrawals other than the one-time penalty free withdrawal, an early withdrawal penalty applies. Deposits are permitted up to the maturity date of the certificate. Certificates will automatically renew to a Liquid Certificate for the same term at the dividend rate and APY in effect at the time of renewal.


Must meet membership and account criteria. Rates, terms and conditions subject to change.